
Showing posts from 2011

Ideal State...

I have to yet research and read about what great people, and great religions say about this topic. But still I would like to note down my own thoughts as they come to me based on my day to day, very normal and usual experiences. Here I will write about the ideal state in a personal relationship. What nurtures a relationship is love, an unconditional love. And what causes frustration in a relationship, is dependence, or expectations. As when we love some one, we start to have some expectations from our loved ones, may be just to reciprocate what we do unto them. But may be they do reciprocate, but may be their way is different from ours. But since we are expecting a certain pattern of behavior from them, we become frustrated, and that propagates the frustrations in the relationship. So if I were to define an ideal state of relationship with my loved ones, I would say " If I am able to shower my unconditional love, do as much care as I can, without having my loved ones lose thei

Milestones of Life...

Arvin just celebrated his first B'day. I, perhaps like most mom, am beginning to realize how fast my baby is growing. Everyday he does new fun activities which are all so much a pleasure to our eyes. I want to capture them all. Although for all these months, I had been writing about him in his memory book, I will try to write them more regularly in this blog now. That way all the family and friends can also enjoy reading it, and will be easier for me to log as well. Aug 11th 2011 : Arvin is enjoying his nana-nani's visit to US and playing a lot with them these days. He has recently learned to walk (about 20 days back). He likes to take morning walks to the garden with nanu these days. When nanu puts on his shoes, he walks upto the door and is not ready to turn back towards home, just wants nanu to take him to the Garden. August 15th 2011 : This morning, when we were on the breakfast table, Avi showed an altogether different yet very cute expression. First he picked up